Monday, March 28, 2011

heeee :)

love is indeed very subjective. the definition of love to me is.....

1. when i laugh so hard about something until my face looks weird and then he suddenly said i look pretty.

2. when i want to google about something regarding my assignment but instead i subconsciously type his name.

3. when i cry about something silly and he just look at me and smile, and say "you're cute".

4. when i ask for something sweet and romantic and he says "Im not a romantic person and I dont know how to act sweet, but i will try".

5. when he listens to all my problems and tries to come up with so many suggestions even though we both know none of them is going to work.

6. when he still calls me and say i love you after i pissed him off.

7. when im willing to be the only girl in the mens' section and being stared by all the dudes, just to buy him a surprise gift.

8. when he's seriously mad at me when im about to give up on something.

9. when he tries to memorize the lyrics of my fave song.

10. when i wish he's awake when i cant sleep.
